We are excited to offer virtual workshops for groups on Planning Peace Actions and Initiatives.

This workshop was designed to support participants to be able to confidently plan creative and effective peace actions and initiatives.

About this training-workshop

Location of workshop: a virtual training-workshop hosted on Zoom

* If you are interested to arrange  an in-person training, book a call with us to discuss at the link below.

Sessions/timeframe: Ten virtual sessions; 1.5 hours each. Host organizations may choose to do one or two sessions per week.

Facilitator(s): All sessions will be facilitated by Taylor, the founder of Everyday Peacebuilding. Other team members from Everyday Peacebuilding may join to support and be training on how to facilitate this workshop. Taylor’s bio at the bottom of the page.

Who can book this workshop? A representative of any organization interested to book this training workshop for their staff, students or volunteers. This may include non-government organizations (NGOs), nonprofits and other groups.

Ideal participants: Anyone interested to learn how to build peace (beginner level). May be particularly suitable for youth peacebuilding training programs or staff/volunteer capacity building. The ideal size of each group is about 15 to 20 participants.

Language: All sessions will be facilitated in English, spoken clearly in easy to understand language to be accessible to those with little experience in building peace and non-naative speakers.

* You may inquire about arranging simultaneous translation.

** This workshop (and all workshops) also available in Spanish.

What to expect from this training-workshop

Workshop objectives

Participants will:

  • gain a solid understanding of key elements of a peacebuilding strategic plan and innovative processes for developing a strategic plan.
  • gain access to a broad range of tools which they can use to develop peacebuilding strategic plans and project plans, and they will know how to use them.
  • create a strategic plan and project plan which they can use to carry out a peace effort.
  • develop the skills to develop their own peacebuilding strategic plans and project plans.
  • develop core skils for implementation, management and coordination of peace projects, initiatives and actions.

Topics covered in this workshop

Components of a great peacebuilding strategic plan: Participants will learn different approaches to creating a peacebuilding strategic plan, discuss key elements of a strategic plan and review examples of great strategic plans. They will review and discuss key tasks that need to be completed prior to carrying out a strategic planning process. 

Step-by-step process to make a peacebuilding strategic plan: Participants will be presented with an peacebuilding strategic planning process that enhances creativity and innovation. They will be provided with processes, templates, and tools to apply as they practice making a peacebuilding strategic plan.

Developing a project plan and putting it into action: Participants will build out a practical plan for any peace project, initiative or action. They will plan project goals and objectives, map project activities, and discuss sustainability and risk reduction. They will get a crash course in budgeting, fundraising and assessment. They will learn about making a workplan, managing teams, coordinating projects, project promotion, and other elements of putting a plan into action. Then they will apply the tools and processes they have learned to make a sample project plan either to apply in an actual peace project or to develop just for practice.


  • During workshop sessions: Live workshop sessions will include presentation of tools and approaches for building peace together with interactive activities to help participants apply learning. Workshop sessions may be contextualized to best meet the needs of participants.
  • After workshop sessions: Participants will be given practical activities to do after each session to apply learning. The facilitator will also share short articles, videos and other content for participants to review after live sessions.

Contextualization: All trainings are tailored to the interests and needs of each group and adapted to be relevant to the context from where participants live. To make these adjustments and integrate contextual elements to the training-workshop we use information shared by host organizations in preparation for the training-workshop and from participants during the workshop. If you would like specific topics to be integrated you can discuss this with us in our free consultation.

Student/participant workload: For each of the live sessions, participants should expect to do 1.5 hours of readings and practical activities. Each particiant will prepare a brief presentation for the final session based on learning from the course.

Booking this training-workshop


The price to book this 10-session workshop for your organization is 6,050 USD

* Discounts available for smaller organizations.

Process for booking

  • If you think your organization may be interested to book this workshop please book a free consultation call with us to confirm suitability, share about your organization and discuss scheduling.
  • Following the call, we will send you a link to pay for the workshop.

* Signing up for this free consultation call will also add you to our email list where you will receive free resrouces on building peace and updates about new blog posts, eCourses, events and other great content from Everyday Peacebuilding. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Workshop coordination

Once booked, Everyday Peacebuilding is responsible for workshop planning and facilitation. Specifically, we will:

  • Setup of Zoom meeting for agreed time/dates and send invitation to host organization focal person(s)
  • Share workshop syllabus with host organization focal person(s)
  • Preparation and facilitation of all workshop sessions

The host organization focal persons are responsible for all coordination and communication with participants. Specifically, for the:

  • Recruitment of participants.
  • Forwarding Zoom meeting invitation and syllabus to intended participants
  • Attend all workshop sessions, participate, and provide support as needed

As and if needed, we can arrange an additional planning call before the first session.The Everyday Peacebuilding team will have no direct communication with participants in planning and coordination of this workshop.

Monitoring systems are included throught the workshop to identify any issues and make any needed adjustments to the content and methods to best meet the needs of participants and host organization. Focal persons from host organization may communicate directly with our team via email if any unforeseen circumstances or issues arise.

Taylor, founder of Everyday Peacebuilding

Meet Your Workshop Facilitator

Hey, I’m Taylor.

I’m a certified ‘peace nerd’ obsessed about exploring creative ways to build peace.

On the professional side, I’ve worked as a ‘peacebuilding technical specialist’ consultant with a bunch of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN agencies over the years.

I’ve spent my free time for years researching and documenting thousands of ways people around the world build peace. I launched Everyday Peacebuilding in January of 2020 to share all the things I’ve learned, to support peacebuilders (and aspiring peacebuilders) like you from all walks of life to find creative and effective ways to build peace.

I believe that individuals have the power to change the world, and spend all my waking energy obsessed about developing innovative resources to support anyone interested to build a more peaceful, just world.

Questions or inquiries

Email me, Taylor, at taylor@everydaypeacebuilding.com

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